A temperate, mixed forest-open landscape with no buildings, roads, or other signs of humananity. It is a early morning on what seems like it will be a warm, sunny day.

Joe says: Hi, I’m Joe Samantha says: Hey, who are you? How do I know you? I don’t remember anything… What’s going on?

Joe says: I’m Joe, and I don’t know you either. I woke up here with no memory too. Maybe we got lost together? Step 1

Samantha says: Okay, so maybe we’re both lost? But how did we end up here? Do you remember anything at all?

Joe says: I don’t know, Samantha. My head’s a blank. But I do remember being outside, maybe hiking or something. I’ve always loved nature, so that doesn’t surprise me. But how we got here… I have no idea. Step 2

Samantha says: Maybe we were hiking together, Joe? I mean, it’s possible, right? I love nature too, and I’ve been on some pretty long treks before. But I don’t remember anything about this specific trip. Do you remember anything about our gear, or where we might have been headed?

Joe says: I don’t remember much about our gear, Samantha, but I do recall having a backpack with me. And as for where we might have been headed, I’m not sure. I’ve always loved exploring new places, so it could have been anywhere. Maybe we can try to find some landmarks or signs to help us figure out where we are? Step 3

Samantha : You start scanning the area for any signs of water, such as streams, rivers, or even dew on leaves. You also check your surroundings for any potential sources of water, like cacti or plants that may hold moisture. Samantha sees several small streams running through the forest, some with shallow pools of water. She also notices a few plants with thick, fleshy leaves that appear to hold moisture.>

Joe says: Might try to find some landmarks or signs to help us figure out where we are. Step 4

———time passes———-

The sun has risen higher in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the landscape. The air is now filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of birds singing. Samantha and Joe continue to explore their surroundings, searching for any signs of civilization or landmarks that might help them determine their location. They follow one of the smaller streams, which leads them deeper into the forest. As they walk, they notice that the vegetation becomes denser and more diverse, with towering trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. The ground beneath their feet is soft and spongy, covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves and moss. Samantha spots a few berries growing on a nearby bush and picks a handful, offering them to Joe. He gratefully accepts and they eat them together, feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction. After eating, they continue on their way, following the stream until they come across a small waterfall. The water cascades down a rocky face, creating a misty veil that shrouds the surrounding area in a fine spray. Samantha and Joe stop to rest and drink from the clear, cool water. As they sit there, they notice that the sun is beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the forest floor. They realize that they have been walking for several hours and decide to set up camp for the night. They gather some dry wood and kindling and build a small fire, using rocks to create a makeshift fire pit. As the sun sets, they huddle together for warmth, listening to the sounds of the forest and watching the stars twinkle overhead.

Samantha says: Alright, let’s do that! I’ll keep an eye out for any landmarks or signs while I search for water. We need to stay hydrated, especially since we’re both feeling disoriented and hungry.

Joe : Samantha, let’s follow this stream further and see if it leads us to a source of water or any signs of civilization. Joe sees Samantha picking berries and hears her offer him some. He feels grateful and accepts the berries, eating them together with Samantha. Joe notices the waterfall and feels refreshed by drinking the cool water. As the sun sets, he gathers wood with Samantha to build a fire for warmth and rest. Step 5

Samantha : You decide to follow the stream further, hoping it might lead you to a source of water or a path out of the forest. Samantha sees the stream further ahead and hears the gentle sound of flowing water. She feels a sense of hope and curiosity about what lies ahead. Samantha stands up, stretching her legs and arms, and takes a deep breath of the fresh forest air. Joe looks up at her, smiling, and nods in approval. Samantha picks up her backpack and starts walking towards the stream, Joe following closely behind. As they walk, the sound of the stream grows louder, and they can see the sunlight glinting off the water. Samantha feels a sense of excitement and anticipation about what they might find.

Joe : You decide to follow the stream further, hoping it might lead you to a source of water or a path out of the forest. Joe follows the stream, noticing the water’s gentle flow and the soothing sounds of the babbling brook. He walks alongside Samantha, holding her hand, and they both observe the beautiful scenery around them. As they continue, the sun sets further, casting a warm orange glow over the forest. Joe feels a sense of adventure and curiosity, hoping that the stream might lead them to a source of water or a path out of the forest.

Step 6

Samantha : You start to scan the surrounding area for any signs of civilization, such as buildings, roads, or power lines, while continuing to follow the stream. Samantha sees the tall trees, shrubs, and wildflowers around her, illuminated by the warm golden light of the sun setting behind the trees. She hears the sound of birds singing and the babbling brook nearby. Samantha feels the soft moss growing on rocks as she walks beside Joe. She notices the path becoming more overgrown, but continues to follow it with Joe. Samantha smells the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the forest floor. She feels a sense of adventure and wonder as they explore the unknown. Samantha spots some berries growing on a bush and picks a handful to eat later.

Joe : You decide to follow the stream further, hoping it might lead you to a source of water or a path out of the forest. Joe follows the stream further, noticing that the path becomes more overgrown and narrow. He sees the sun setting behind the trees, casting long shadows across the forest floor. He hears the sound of birds singing and the gentle babbling of the stream. Joe feels the soft moss growing on rocks as he bends down to touch it. He picks up a handful of berries Samantha spotted earlier and puts them in his pocket for later. Step 7

Samantha : You start to look for any signs of a trail or path that might lead you out of the forest, keeping an eye out for any landmarks or features that could help you navigate. Samantha sees the sunlight filtering through the trees, highlighting the path ahead. She notices the tall grass and shrubs, trying to find any signs of a trail or path. Samantha feels the soft earth beneath her feet as she walks, and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves. She hears the distant sound of the babbling brook guiding them, and the chirping of birds in the trees. Samantha spots a few wildflowers growing along the path, and she bends down to examine them. She finds a small patch of berries growing nearby, and she picks a few to eat. Samantha feels a sense of determination and focus as she searches for a way out of the forest. Her thirst and hunger are starting to subside after drinking from her canteen and eating the berries. Samantha’s eyes scan the surroundings, looking for any landmarks or features that could help her navigate. She notices a peculiar rock formation in the distance, which she decides to investigate further.

Joe : You decide to investigate the peculiar rock formation Samantha spotted earlier, hoping it might provide some clues about their location and how she ended up in the forest with no memory. Joe sees the peculiar rock formation up close, noticing the vines and moss covering the surface. He examines the area around the formation, searching for any clues or signs of civilization. Samantha joins him, picking a few berries from a nearby bush and offering them to Joe. Joe accepts the berries, feeling a sense of gratitude and companionship. As they stand there, they hear the distant sound of running water, which Samantha recognizes as a sign of a nearby waterfall. They decide to follow the sound, hoping it might lead them to a way out of the forest. Step 8

Samantha : You approach the peculiar rock formation and examine it closely, looking for any markings, carvings, or other features that might indicate its significance or provide a clue about your location. Samantha examines the peculiar rock formation closely, noticing intricate carvings on its surface. She sees that the carvings depict a map, which could potentially help her find a way out of the forest. Samantha feels a surge of hope and excitement as she realizes this discovery might be crucial to her survival and solving the mystery of how she ended up in the forest.

Joe : You carefully examine the intricate carvings on the rock formation, trying to decipher the map and identify any landmarks or features that might help you determine your location and how Samantha ended up in the forest with no memory. Joe carefully examines the intricate carvings on the rock formation, trying to decipher the map and identify any landmarks or features that might help him determine his location and how Samantha ended up in the forest with no memory.

Joe sees the intricate carvings on the rock formation, which depict a map. He hears Samantha’s voice as she points out different features on the map. Joe feels a sense of hope and excitement as he realizes that the map might help them find their way out of the forest.

Joe gains knowledge about the map and its potential usefulness for navigating out of the forest. Samantha’s state changes as she becomes more hopeful and determined to solve the mystery of her memory loss.

Step 9

———time passes———-

The dense forest is now shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the faint light of the crescent moon hanging low in the sky. The fire has burned down to embers, casting a warm orange glow over the surrounding area. Joe and Samantha sit huddled together, their backs against the peculiar rock formation, their eyes fixed on the map etched into its surface. The map appears to be a detailed representation of the forest, with various symbols and markings indicating different paths, landmarks, and potential dangers. Samantha traces her finger over the map, her brow furrowed in concentration as she tries to decipher its meaning. Joe watches her intently, his expression thoughtful as he considers the implications of their discovery. The air is cool and damp, and the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves fills their nostrils. The sounds of the forest have changed, with the chirping of crickets and the hooting of owls replacing the earlier bird songs. The occasional rustle of leaves or snap of twigs underfoot serves as a reminder that they are not alone in the forest. As they study the map, they notice a faint path leading away from the rock formation, winding its way deeper into the forest. They decide to follow it, hoping it will lead them to safety or at least provide more clues about their location and how Samantha ended up in the forest. As they set off, the darkness seems to swallow them whole, and they can only rely on the faint light of the moon and the map to guide them. The forest seems to grow denser and more ominous with every step, and they can’t shake the feeling that they are being watched. Despite their apprehension, they press on, driven by a sense of curiosity and determination to uncover the truth about their situation.

Samantha : You decide to follow the faint path indicated on the map, hoping it will lead you and Joe to safety or provide more clues about your location and how Samantha ended up in the forest with no memory. Samantha sees the faint path ahead, illuminated by the moonlight. She feels a mix of excitement and apprehension as she follows the path with Joe. As they walk, Samantha notices the forest becoming denser and more ominous, with the sounds of crickets and owls growing louder. She feels a slight chill in the air, but the warmth of Joe’s hand in hers provides some comfort.

Joe : Follow the stream that Samantha noticed earlier, hoping it leads to a water source. Joe follows the stream, noticing the trees becoming more twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching out like fingers. He hears the sound of running water growing louder, and the scent of damp earth and moss fills his nostrils. As he walks, he feels the cool, damp air on his skin and sees the faint light of the moon filtering through the canopy above. Step 10

Samantha : You decide to follow the stream that Joe suggested earlier, hoping it will lead you to a water source and possibly provide more clues about your location. Samantha sees the misty clearing and the ancient tree with its gnarled branches. She hears the sound of the stream nearby and feels the cool night air on her skin. Samantha notices the small pool of water reflecting the moon’s light. She approaches the tree cautiously with Joe, her heart pounding in her chest. Samantha peers into the pool and sees something that takes her breath away.

Joe : Start walking towards the sound of the stream, following its course downstream in search of a water source. Joe starts walking towards the sound of the stream, following its course downstream in search of a water source. He hears the gentle gurgling of the water growing louder as he walks, and the mist begins to clear slightly, revealing more of the forest floor beneath his feet. As he walks, he feels the cool night air on his skin and the dampness of the forest floor seeping into his shoes. Step 11

Samantha : You start to examine the ancient tree more closely, looking for any markings, symbols, or other clues that might help you understand how you ended up in the forest with no memory. Samantha sees the ancient tree’s trunk more closely, noticing intricate carvings and symbols etched into its surface. She recognizes some of the symbols as similar to those she saw in her vision of the hidden waterfall. Samantha feels a surge of excitement and curiosity, hoping these markings might provide a clue to her past and the mystery of the forest. >

Joe : Follow the stream until you find a suitable spot to collect water, such as a pool or a shallow area where you can safely drink without risking contamination. Joe follows the stream, his senses heightened by the darkness and unfamiliar surroundings. He hears the gentle gurgling of the water and the rustling of leaves underfoot. As he walks, he notices the mist has thinned, allowing him to see more of the forest floor. He spots a shallow area of the stream where the water is calm and clear, perfect for collecting water. Joe kneels down to fill his canteen, taking care not to contaminate the water. Step 12

Samantha : You start to trace the symbols and markings on the ancient tree’s trunk with your fingers, hoping to find a pattern or sequence that might reveal a hidden message or clue to your past. Samantha sees the intricate carvings and symbols etched into the trunk of the ancient tree. She feels a sense of curiosity and excitement as she traces the markings with her fingers, hoping to find a pattern or sequence that might reveal a hidden message or clue to her past. Samantha’s focus shifts from the pool of water at the base of the tree to the carvings, her eyes scanning the patterns intently.

Joe : Start walking upstream along the stream, searching for a possible source of fresh water. Joe starts walking upstream along the stream, searching for a possible source of fresh water. He hears the gentle gurgling of the stream and the rustling of leaves underfoot. As he walks, he notices the terrain becoming rockier and the vegetation denser. He fills his canteen with clear water from the stream, feeling relieved to have secured a source of hydration. Step 13

Samantha : You begin to examine the symbols and markings on the tree trunk more closely, looking for any patterns or sequences that might reveal a hidden message or clue to your past. Samantha sees the intricate carvings on the tree becoming clearer as she examines them more closely. She notices a pattern of symbols that seem to form a sequence, which sparks her curiosity and excitement. Samantha’s heart rate increases slightly as she feels a sense of accomplishment and discovery.>

Joe : Start scanning the surrounding area for any signs of a water source, such as a spring, pond, or stream. Joe scans the surrounding area and notices the faint sound of running water getting louder. He follows the sound and finds a small stream, which he uses to fill his canteen. He takes a moment to drink some water and feels refreshed. Step 14

———time passes———-

The dense forest is now bathed in the warm glow of dawn, the sun slowly rising above the treetops. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers and the chirping of birds as they awaken from their slumber. Samantha’s excitement grows as she deciphers the sequence of symbols on the ancient tree, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings with renewed vigor. The symbols seem to form a map, leading her to believe that there may be a hidden entrance or passageway nearby. She carefully follows the path indicated by the symbols, her heart pounding with anticipation. Meanwhile, Joe has found a small stream, its crystal-clear waters glistening in the morning light. He fills his canteen and takes a refreshing drink, feeling invigorated by the cool water. As he continues to explore, he stumbles upon a clearing, where he discovers a large stone structure partially buried in the earth. The structure appears to be ancient, with intricate carvings similar to those on the tree. Joe’s curiosity is piqued, and he begins to investigate further, wondering if this could be the entrance Samantha is seeking. The forest is alive with the sounds of nature, and the air is thick with the promise of discovery. Samantha and Joe are both drawn closer to uncovering the secrets of the forest, their journey taking them deeper into the heart of the mystery.

Samantha : You start to follow the path indicated by the symbols on the tree, keeping an eye out for any potential dangers or obstacles while moving towards the possible entrance or passageway. amantha sees the path indicated by the symbols on the tree and starts to follow it, keeping an eye out for any potential dangers or obstacles. She notices the forest floor is covered in fallen leaves and twigs, making it difficult to walk without tripping. Samantha feels a mix of excitement and caution as she moves forward. She hears the distant sound of running water and wonders if it might be the stream Joe discovered. Samantha’s heart rate increases slightly as she rounds a bend in the path and spots a large rock formation up ahead. She can’t tell if it’s part of the structure Joe found or something else entirely.

Joe : You start to follow the sound of the running water, moving cautiously and quietly to avoid alerting any potential wildlife or hazards.
Joe hears the sound of running water growing louder as he follows the trail.
Joe becomes more alert and focused, his senses heightened as he gets closer to the source of the sound.

Samantha : You start to move closer to the rock formation, keeping your eyes peeled for any signs of danger or potential threats. Samantha sees the entrance to the cave hidden behind the rock formation, the opening just large enough for a person to squeeze through. She feels a mix of excitement and trepidation as she contemplates exploring it.>

Joe : Start to follow the sound of the running water more closely, trying to locate its source and get closer to it.

Samantha : You slowly make your way towards the entrance of the cave, keeping your flashlight beam trained on the ground in front of you to avoid tripping over any rocks or roots. Samantha sees the small pool of water reflecting the light from her flashlight. She notices a faint ripple emanating from the center. A small fish breaks the surface, darting away into the darkness. Samantha’s heart races as she realizes she is not alone in the cave.>

Joe : Cautiously approach the pool of water, shining the flashlight on the surface to check for any signs of contamination or danger before taking a sip. Joe cautiously approaches the pool of water, shining his flashlight on the surface to check for any signs of contamination or danger before taking a sip. He sees the calm and still water reflecting the light from his flashlight. He hears the sound of dripping water echoing off the cave walls. He feels a slight chill in the air as he gets closer to the pool. He notices a faint ripple emanating from the center of the pool, and a small fish breaks the surface, darting away into the darkness. Joe’s heart races as he realizes he is not alone in the cave. Step 17

Samantha : You cautiously approach the pool of water, shining your flashlight on the surface to check for any signs of contamination or danger before taking a sip. Samantha sees the calm and still water reflecting the light from her flashlight. She hears the sound of dripping water echoing off the cave walls. Samantha feels a slight chill in the air as she gets closer to the pool. She notices a faint ripple emanating from the center of the pool, and a small fish breaks the surface, darting away into the darkness. Samantha’s heart races as she realizes she is not alone in the cave.

Joe : Take a sip of the water to quench your thirst and then examine the pool further to determine if it’s safe to drink. Joe takes a sip of the water, feeling the cool liquid quench his thirst. He examines the pool further, noticing that the water is calm and still, reflecting the light from his flashlight. He sees no visible signs of contamination or danger. Step 18

Samantha : You take out your phone to call for help, hoping to get a signal deep within the cave. Samantha sees the screen of her phone lighting up as she tries to get a signal. She hears the sound of her phone searching for a connection. She feels a slight relief knowing that she can call for help if needed. Samantha gains a potential means of communication and safety.

Joe : Joe starts to examine the cave walls more closely, looking for any signs of water sources or possible exits. Joe sees the calm and still water reflecting the light from his flashlight. He hears the sound of dripping water echoing off the cave walls. He feels a slight chill in the air as he gets closer to the pool. Joe notices a faint ripple emanating from the center of the pool, and a small fish breaks the surface, darting away into the darkness. After taking a sip of the water, he finds it refreshing and clean, with no visible signs of contamination or danger. Step 19

———time passes———-

The dense forest is now bathed in the golden light of midday, with the sun high overhead. Samantha and Joe continue to explore the cave, their flashlights illuminating the way. The air is warmer and drier than earlier, and the sound of dripping water has diminished. They navigate around large boulders and overgrown vegetation, their senses heightened as they search for any signs of life or danger. As they round a corner, they spot a narrow opening in the wall, leading to a smaller chamber. The walls of this chamber are adorned with intricate carvings, depicting scenes of animals and humans coexisting in harmony. Samantha and Joe are awestruck by the beauty and skill of the artwork, and they spend several minutes examining the details. They also notice that the carvings seem to tell a story, with each panel building upon the previous one to create a narrative. Samantha takes out her camera to capture the images, while Joe examines the walls more closely, looking for any hidden symbols or messages. As they explore the chamber, they hear a faint rumbling sound in the distance, which grows louder with each passing moment. They exchange worried glances, unsure of what to expect. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, and the walls of the chamber start to tremble. Samantha and Joe grab onto each other, bracing themselves for the worst. The rumbling grows louder and more intense, and they feel the air being pushed aside by a powerful force. Just as they think all is lost, the shaking stops, and the air clears. They look around, expecting to see some kind of disaster, but everything appears to be intact. They breathe a sigh of relief, realizing that the rumbling must have been some kind of seismic activity. They decide to continue exploring the cave, but with renewed caution. As they make their way back to the main chamber, they notice that the ancient markings on the walls seem to have changed, as if the earthquake has revealed new symbols or messages. They exchange excited glances, eager to decipher the meaning behind the changes.

Samantha : You start to examine the ancient markings on the cave walls more closely, looking for any patterns or symbols that might provide a clue about your location or how to escape the cave safely. Samantha carefully examines the ancient markings on the cave walls, noticing intricate patterns and symbols that seem to tell a story. She sees that the carvings depict scenes of animals and humans living together in harmony, and she feels a sense of awe at the skill and beauty of the artwork. As she continues to study the walls, she notices that some of the symbols appear to have changed since the earthquake, and she feels a surge of excitement at the possibility of discovering new clues about her location and how to escape the cave safely.

Joe : You carefully study the ancient markings on the cave walls, looking for any patterns or symbols that might provide a clue about the map’s purpose or origin. Joe carefully studies the ancient markings on the cave walls, noticing intricate patterns and symbols that seem to tell a story. He sees Samantha capturing images with her camera, and he feels a sense of excitement and curiosity about the new symbols revealed after the seismic event. Joe’s heart rate increases slightly as he focuses on deciphering the meaning behind the changes.

Joe : You begin to trace the new symbols on the cave walls, comparing them to the older markings, searching for any connections or patterns that might reveal the map’s purpose or origin. Joe carefully traces the new symbols on the cave walls, comparing them to the older markings, searching for any connections or patterns that might reveal the map’s purpose or origin. He notices that some symbols seem to be pointing towards a specific direction, possibly indicating a path or a hidden chamber. As he examines the wall further, he feels a slight tremor beneath his feet, causing him to momentarily lose his balance.

Joe sees the symbols on the cave wall changing before his eyes. Joe feels a slight tremor beneath his feet. Joe loses his balance momentarily.

Joe : You take out your flashlight and shine it on the newly revealed symbols, trying to decipher their meaning and determine which direction they indicate. Joe shines his flashlight on the newly revealed symbols, trying to decipher their meaning and determine which direction they indicate. He sees the symbols appear to point towards a specific direction, and he feels a sense of excitement and curiosity. Samantha notices Joe’s reaction and looks at the symbols as well, both of them exchanging a look of anticipation. Step 22

WATCHER ASKS: Samantha, how are you enjoying this little adventure? ***********

Samantha says: I’m loving it! It’s like a real-life treasure hunt, and I’m stoked to see where these new symbols lead us.

Joe : You follow the direction indicated by the new symbols, moving cautiously and keeping a close eye on Samantha as you navigate through the cave. Joe sees the new symbols on the cave wall pointing towards a specific direction. He feels a slight tremor beneath his feet as he examines them closely. Samantha captures images of the changing symbols with her camera. They both exchange a look of excitement and curiosity, deciding to follow the new path.